Since 2005, we have led an effort to understand the interaction between inorganic and biological materials. We have been advancing understanding in nanobioengineering, via nanomaterials synthesis and design, surface functionalization, electrochemistry, materials development for chemical sensing and biosensing, and translated fundamental knowledge into functional materials and devices. Our focus is to bring forward novel fabrication techniques and materials that will enable large scale production of biosensing and chemical (gas and VOC) sensing devices with high sensitivity, reproducibility and repeatability.

Selected Recent Publications (2018-2021)

  1.     M. Traverson, M. Heiden, L.A. Stanciu, E.A. Nauman, Y Jones-Hall, G.J. Breur, In Vivo Evaluation of Biodegradability and Biocompatibility of Fe30Mn Alloy, Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology (2018) 31(01), 010-016

  2.   L.K. Lin, A Uzunoglu, L.A. Stanciu, Amionlated and Thiolated PEG-Covered Gold Nanoparticles with High Stability and Antiaggregation for Lateral Flow Detection of Bisphenol A, Small (2018) 14(10), 170828

  3.   M. Zhao, SD Amaya, AJ Deering, L.Stanciu, GTC Chiu, JP Allebach, Inkjet Printing Platforms for DNA Based Pathogen Detection, NIP&Digital Fabrication Conference 2018 (1), 107-112

  4. L.K. Lin, L.A. Stanciu, Bisphenol A detection using gold nanostars in a SERS improved lateral flow immunocrhomatographic assay, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2018) (1), 107-112

  5. X. Wang, J. Jian, S. Diaz-Amaya, C.E. Kumah, P. LU, J. Huang, DG Lim, Jeffrey P Youngblood, Alexandra Boltasseva, Lia A Stanciu, Deirdre M O'Carroll, Xinghang Zhang, Haiyan Wang, Hybrid Plasmonic Au- TiN vertically aligned nanocomposites: a nanoscale platform towards tunable optical sensing, Nanoscale Advances (2019)1(3), 1045-1054

  6. S.M. Huang, E.A. Nauman, L.A. Stanciu, Investigation of porosity effects on mechanical properties, degradation and in-vitro cytotoxicity limit of Fe30Mn using space holder technique, Materials Science and Engineering C (2019) 1048-1057.

  7. L.K. Lin, P.Y. Huang, S. Dutta, J.C. Rochet, L.A. Stanciu, Tuning a Bisphenol A Lateral Flow Assay Using Multiple Gold Nanosystems, Particle&Particle Systems Characterization (2019), 1900133

  8. Susana Diaz-Amaya, L.K. Lin, R. E. DiNino, C. Ostos, L.A. Stanciu, Inkjet Printed Electrochemical Aptasensors for detection of Hg2+ in organic solvents, Electrochimica Acta(2019)

  9. S. Diaz-Amaya, M. Zhao, L.K. Lin, C. Ostos, J.P. Allebach, G.Tc.C. Chiu, A. Deering, L.A. Stanciu, Inkjet Printed Nanopatterned Aptamer-Based Sensors for Improved Optical Detection of Foodborne Pathogens, Small (2019), 1805342

  10. S. Diaz-Amaya, L.K. Lin, A.J. Deering, L.A. Stanciu, Aptamer-based SERS biosensors for whole cell analytical detection of E. Coli O157:H7, Analytica Chimica Acta (2019)

  11. W.Y. Chen, CC. Yen, S. Hue, H. Wang, L. Stanciu, Surface Functionalization of Layered Molybdenum Disulfide for the Selective Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds at Room Temperature, ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces (2019)

  12. H.M. Espejo, S. Diaz-Amaya, L.A. Stanciu, D.F. Bahr, Nisin Infusion into Surface Cracks in Oxide Coatings to Create an Antibacterial Metallic Surface, Materials Science and Engineering C (2019) 105, 110034

  13. P Xu, W Rheinheimer, SN Shuvo, Z Qi, O Levit, H Wang, Y Ein-Eli, Lia Stanciu, Origin of High Interfacial Resistance in Solid-State Batteries: Interdiffusion and Amorphous Film Formation, ChemElectroChem (2019), 6(17), 4576-4585

  14. M. Zhao, R. Zhang, S. Diaz-Amaya, L.K. Lin, A.J. Deering, L. Stanciu, J Allebach, NIP&Digital Fabrication Conference (2019), (1), 177-181

  15. KM Byers, LK Lin, T.J Moehling, L. Stanciu, J.C. Linnes, Versatile printed microheaters to enable low- power thermal control in paper diagnostics Analyst (2020)145(1), 184-196

  16. X. Huang, DY Zemlyanov. S. Diaz-Amaya, M. Salehi, L. Stanciu, A.J. Whelton, Competitive Heavy Metal Adsorption onto new and aged polyethylene under various drinking water conditions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, (2020), 385, 121585

  17. S. Cengiz, A. Uzunoglu, SM Huang, L. Stanciu, M. Tarakci, Y. Gencer, An In-Vitro Study: The Effect of Surace Properties on Bioactivity of the Oxide Layer Fabricated on Zr Substrate by PEO, Surfaces and Interfaces (2020) 100884

  18. O. Levit, P. Xu, B. Shvartsev, G. Avioz Cohen, L. Stanciu, Y Tsur, Y. Ein-Eli, Interphases Formation and Analysis at the Lithium-Aluminum-Titanium-Phosphate (LATP) and Lithium-Manganese Oxide Spinel (LMO) Interface during High-Temperature Bonding, Energy Technology (2020), 8(12), 2000634.

  19. N. Landeck, K.E. Strathearn, D. Ysselstein, K. Buck, S. Dutta, S. Banerjee, L.A. Stanciu, J.C. Rochet, Two C-terminal sequence variations determine differential neurotoxicity between human ad mouse alpha-synulcein Molecular Neurodegeneration (2020), 15(1), 1-23.

  20. WY Chen, SN Lai, CC Yen, X. Jiang. D. Peroulis, L.A. Stanciu, Surface Functionalization of Ti3C2Tx MXene with Highly Reliable Superhydrophobic Protection for Volatile Organic Compounds Sensing, ACS Nano (2020) 14(9), 11490-11501.

  21. SN Shuvo, AM Ulloa Gomez, A. Mishra, WY Chen, AM Dongare, L.A. Stanciu, Sulfur-Doped Titanium Carbide MXenes for Room-Temperature Gas Sensing, ACS Sensors (2020), 5(9), 2915-2924.

  22. S. Diaz-Amaya, M. Zhao, JP Allebach, GTC Chiu, L.A. Stanciu, Ionic Strength Influences on Biofunctional Au-Decorated Microparticles for Enhanced Performance in Multiplexed Colorimetric Sensors ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces (2020), 12(29), 32397-32409

  23. WY Chen, A. Yermembetova, BM Washer, X. Jiang, SN Shuvo, D. Peroulis, A. Wei, L.A. Stanciu, Selective Detection of Ethylene by MoS2-Carbon Nanotube Networks Coated with Cu(I)-Pincer Complexes, ACS Sensors (2020), 5(6), 1699-1706

  24. TB Rouf, S. Diaz-Amaya, L. Stanciu, J. Kokini, Competitive heavy metal adsorption onto new and aged polyethylene under various drinking water conditions, Food Control (2020), 107350.

  25. WY Chen, X. Jiang, SN Lai, D. Peroulis, L. Stanciu, Nanohybrids of a MXene and transition metal dichalcogenide for selective detection of volatile organic compounds, Nature Communications (2020) 11(1), 1-10.

  26. X. Wnag, J. Jian, S. Amaya, C. Kumah, L. Stanciu, H. Wang, Tunable Hybrid Metal-Nitride Metamaterial Framework towards Plasmonic Sensing Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2020), 65

  27. Sabrina Huang, Ana Ulloa, Eric Nauman, Lia Stanciu, Journal of Orthoaedic Reearch (2020) 38(3), 523-535

  28. M. Zhao, S. Diaz-Amaya, A.J. Deering, L. Stanciu, GTC Chiu, JP Allebach, Image Analytics for Food Safety, Electronic Imaging (2020) 8(302), 1-9.

  29. Origin of high interfacial resistance in solid‐state batteries: LLTO/LCO half‐cells P Xu, W Rheinheimer, A Mishra, SN Shuvo, Z Qi, H Wang, AM Dongare, ...ChemElectroChem 8 (10), 1847-1857, 2021

  30. Recent Advances in Aptamer-Based Biosensors for Global Health ApplicationsLA Stanciu, Q Wei, AK Barui, N Mohammad Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 23, 2021

  31. Antidelaminating, Thermally Stable, and Cost-Effective Flexible Kapton Platforms for Nitrate Sensors, Mercury Aptasensors, Protein Sensors, and p-Type Organic Thin-Film Transistors LK Lin, JT Tsai, S Díaz-Amaya, MR Oduncu, Y Zhang, PY Huang, C Ostos, ...ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (9), 11369-11384 2021

  32. The influence of Bi2O3 glass powder in the silver paste and the impact on silicon solar cell substrates JT Tsai, LK Lin, ST Lin, L Stanciu, MBG Jun Materials & Design 200, 109453 2021

  33. An in-vitro study: The effect of surface properties on bioactivity of the oxide layer fabricated on Zr substrate by PEOS Cengiz, A Uzunoglu, SM Huang, L Stanciu, M Tarakci, Y Gencer Surfaces and Interfaces 22, 1008842 2021

  34. Bioresorbable porous metals for orthopaedic applications E Nauman, LA Stanciu, MJ Heiden, M Dehestani US Patent 10,898,331, 2021